Quick share here..... a short while back I took my very first trip to Belize for what turned into a really, really (2 reallys - or now that's three) high value, pain-free shoot. I've been so very lucky to have shot in some of the most spectacular places in the world -- and just added Belize to that list. We banged out a fun BTS vid to share some of the splendor, but... read more ›
698 reads
Swedish artist Sanna Dullaway dropped some of her latest work on the Internet recently and responses have been all over the map. Dullaway's recolorization process sees her take iconic black and white photos [Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Anne Frank] and sprinkle rainbow dust all over them. [The actual process is a little more complex than that. For a taste, check out this YouTube video demonstrating the recolorization of the classic 'The American Way' photo. And... read more ›
1.1K reads
Sometimes the suffering we go through for the sake of Art is completely self-induced. Take Bryan Lewis Saunders, for example. The D.C.-based artist recently released a series of self-portraits each drawn through the lens of a different drug. The series -- appropriately titled "Drugs" -- includes 48 self portraits composed while Saunders was on everything from Crystalmeth and cocaine to DMT and Bath Salts. The experiment -- which had Saunders taking a different drug everyday... read more ›
3.7K reads
Not long ago I stumbled upon the work of GMB Akash, a photographer from Bangladesh who has accrued a respectable trophy case of international awards for his work. He's won a handful of "firsts" for his people -- first Bangladeshi to win the Young Reporters Award from the Scope Photo Festival in Paris and get selected for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass in the Netherlands, for example. Click through the image tabs above... read more ›
2.2K reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. This is part 4 of 4: You’ve made it! So now what? Let's dance! Part 4: 8 Mission Critical Tips for Being on the Road 1. Kick Jet Lag’s Ass. If you are traveling a long way, start sleeping at the right times for your destination during your flight. If... read more ›
712 reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. This is part 3 of 4 on how to pack like a boss. Check out the last two posts in this series: 10 Mission Critical Tips for Booking Photo and Video Travel - getting there 12 Mission Critical Tips for Pre-Production -... read more ›
1.9K reads