Today I’m bringing you the audio version of a talk I gave at The Next Web conference in Amsterdam earlier this year on a topic that’s top of mind for many of us, which is the rise of AI and automation and the implications it may have for our careers - whether you’re a truck driver or a radiologist or a graphic designer, you’ve probably had a moment in the past year or two where... read more ›
3.5K reads
If you're looking for your next creative breakthrough or if you're in a job you hate and looking to make a change, this video from Dan Wieden of legendary Wieden + Kennedy agency in Portland is a worthy 15 min of your time. The intro is slow (a Portland love fest...) so skip in a few min if you're watching the clock. Here's what's in this video that I like: - dan is a really... read more ›
453 reads
Creativity is the new literacy, and I've got an anthem brewing over here... But what fires me up is that I'm not alone. So many of us are feeling this anthem right now. Times are changing. The old methods of memorization and rigid exams for a diverse student body is not working for today's world. Those times were for the factory. But what now? The average US college student graduates with about $27,000 in debt.... read more ›
879 reads