Each time I have the good fortune to work with DigitalRev TV and my friend Kai Man Wong something memorable happens. For example, you might recall the time that Kai and DigitalRev TV dragged me around Hong Kong with a Lego Camera on one of their infamous CheapCamera Challenges. The highlights included surprise runway models, aggravated kung fu fighters and eating pig's anus on the street. Most recently Kai and his hilarious crew... read more ›
2.7K reads
As some of you accurately guessed from this pic I posted to Twitter last week, we've been rocking out in Hong Kong for a shoot, adapting to an uncooperative weather situation (rain - lots of it), hanging out on the water and dining on some pretty dynamite dim sum. A few of you wondered if we were hooking up with our friends at DigitalRev. Maybe to do another lego camera shoot or show them how... read more ›
611 reads