Let's face it, we all have a dream. Whether it's to write a book, start a business, or travel the world, we all have something we've been yearning to do. But, sometimes, the road to achieving our dreams is filled with doubters and dream killers. You know who I'm talking about - those people who can't help but question your plans, who try to talk you out of your dreams, who seem to pour cold... read more ›
321 reads
Some of us have always known our dreams, while others discover them through life's twists and turns. But regardless of their origin, these dreams ignite a passion within us. 1. Dreams are not just fleeting thoughts; they're a compass guiding us towards our true purpose. Following your dreams might sound idealistic, but it's about taking tangible steps towards them. As Steven Pressfield's book title suggests, "Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be." If... read more ›
534 reads
Whether we realize it or not, life happens. Interruptions and obstacles crop up: an implosion in your side hustle disrupts your day job, or a big challenge at your day job necessitates skipping creative work for several weeks in a row. 3-6 months can go by and the next thing you know, you can’t remember the last time you spent real time on your dreams. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to review... read more ›
1.1K reads
When you’re out to start a new career, you learn quickly that hope is not a strategy. Regardless if it’s the first job, a new job, or the shake-up from the economy, these are great inflection points to take steps toward the things that fulfill us in life. Meet Yiwen Wong, he’s a recent graduate from the Boston University School of Communication. He’s originally from Singapore and he and his family lived in New Zealand.... read more ›
899 reads
Standing Out Isn't Easy It takes a lot of courage to embrace our own creativity. It's not easy. When we declare our pursuits to those closest to us, they're not carrying the same passion for it that we are. They're not bad people that want to see us miserable. They don't understand, our passion drives us. It's the people who love us the most that will react. It's very common for loved ones to want... read more ›
1K reads
Most of us have been given the same general blueprint for success since birth. Go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a job, work hard and you'll be successful. And for a long time, this was an effective path to success. But in recent years, the idea of what it means to be successful has changed. With the advent of technology and the global interconnectedness of the world, success is no longer... read more ›
1K reads
For some of us, it feels like we were born with our dreams because we’ve known what we want to do with our lives for as long as we could remember. For others, our dreams have evolved over time and experience or even caught us by surprise with an unexpected turn of events in life. Regardless of when or where these dreams came from one commonality is that these dreams have created urges in us... read more ›
932 reads
Reality is malleable. The world would have you believe that creativity is an indulgence. That instead, you should follow a more “practical” enough to invest your time and resources in. But these beliefs were invented by people trying to organize the world the way they saw it, not how it really was. “No Artist Tolerates Reality” Friedrich Nietzsche expressed a novel observation: "No artist tolerates reality." Throughout my life's journey, there have been countless instances... read more ›
3.5K reads
Do you have a big dream, but you're having trouble making progress? There is one simple thing you can do to start moving, and re-train your brain to operate autonomously, prioritize joy. Once you make this contract with yourself to pursue joy on a regular basis, you start to create inertia. So how do you get started? Maybe you don't know what action to take? I believe that a hugely under valued element of the... read more ›
1.1K reads
Think of that ONE dream you’ve always imagined materializing. Are you getting closer to it every day? Or do you keep yourself from committing to it for fear of failure? Bestselling author, coach, visionary, and guest for today’s episode, Rachel Rodgers, shares her story, and how she built her multi-million dollar business, Hello Seven, after becoming a lawyer, working for state and federal judges, non-profits, and even Hillary Clinton. Rachel has been featured in global... read more ›
616 reads