Imagine you’re gazing out at the vast expanse of possibility before you. On one side lies the safety of the familiar, and on the other, the allure of growth and the uncertainty that comes with chasing your dreams. What would you choose—honestly? It's a decision we’re faced with every day, in both big and small ways. Do we play it safe, sticking to the well-trodden path, or do we venture into uncharted territory, risking failure... read more ›
357 reads
Ever find yourself chasing after more, only to feel emptier than before? It’s a paradox many of us live: the more we strive for, the less satisfied we become. When does what you do and what you have become enough? It’s a question we rarely ask ourselves. Our society pushes the myth that having more—more money, more stuff, more accolades—is the ultimate path to happiness and success. But here's the thing: it's a myth, and... read more ›
301 reads
Stephanie Harrison's story starts with a mindset similar to many in their early 20s. Gainfully employed, ambitious, and with all of New York City at her feet, she was exactly where she wanted to be. On paper. Something felt missing, even though her longtime dream of living independently in the Big Apple had been achieved. She recalls being miserable without a clear idea of why. Eventually, ignoring the problem took its toll. Her body began... read more ›
316 reads
In the midst of a creative marathon, the sprint towards the finish line can feel all-consuming. For me, that's been the reality as I hammer out the final chapters of my next book. Picture it: weeks of rewrites, a direction that felt "off" until it was nearly scrapped and started anew. It's a doozy of a process, one that demands the lion's share of my attention and energy as I push to wrap things up... read more ›
314 reads
It turns out abandoned mines can actually have great internet reception if you set them up the right way. This one's connection is fast enough to accommodate an extensive interview, thanks to Brent Underwood. He's engaging in an unusual expedition to bring once-old and dilapidated places back to life. The 900-foot-underground cave he's joining me from represents just one transformation in the making. Brent was like many of us when he saw the onset... read more ›
2K reads
In our fast-paced and modern world, it's crucial to pause and reflect on whether the way we're working is truly effective. Are we living our lives to the fullest? Are we fulfilling our true potential? These questions go beyond mere productivity and delve into the realm of living a richer, deeper, and more rewarding life. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of creativity and how it can transform not just our work, but... read more ›
399 reads
Too many of us have spent far too long following someone else's plan for our lives, trapped by limiting beliefs and societal expectations. But guess what? It's all an illusion. We have the power to break free and pursue our own dreams. Imagine a life where you can fully embrace your creative capacity. Where your intuition guides you towards greatness. Where you can break free from societal norms and embrace your true potential. Sounds pretty... read more ›
634 reads
In the bustling corridors of our modern world, the term 'burnout' echoes like a haunting refrain. It's a shadow that looms large for many of us, threatening to dim our brightest moments. But what if there was a way out? Enter Suneel Gupta, bestselling author and co-founder of the Gross National Happiness Center. He unveils the secrets to rekindling the lost spark and finding joy in every endeavor. In our journey towards personal and professional... read more ›
822 reads
For Amanda Crew, art imitates life. While she is largely known for her role as Monica Hall on the HBO series Silicon Valley, she recently sat down with me to talk about the duality between her personal life and experience playing a woman who feels torn between the life she’s created and the life she really wants. It’s a thriller, Amanda tells me, but the underlying turmoil her character faces is something she can relate... read more ›
1.2K reads
I’m a huge believer in making art for art’s sake. Taking photos that no one is going to pay you for. Shooting films that aren’t commissioned or funded. Writing words that the world may never read. I’ve said before that doing and making always trumps talking about it, but there’s also a difference between the doing and making that pays the bills and the doing and making that brings joy, that hones craft, lights creative... read more ›
932 reads