When it comes to creativity, James Victore has made his name known in a number of ways. The renowned designer is a thought leader in his discipline, using his provocative style to help people find clarity and purpose in their life and work. He lectures and teaches all around the world, inspiring thousands to discover their unique gifts and find success in the projects they love. James is also a published author, having written the... read more ›
1.6K reads
Career decisions can be daunting. The right choice is often unclear, and the trade offs uncertain. Should you stay in your current role or go look for something new? Is it in your best interest to move cities and re locate or double down on your current market? These big decisions can leave us paralyzed. And yet, one of the ways to break through that paralysis is by soliciting the opinions of others. As the... read more ›
1.1K reads
The natural world is based on diversity. The earth as a system depends on the diversity of nature to perform the countless roles required to create and sustain life. We tend to see ourselves as separate from nature, and our education system reflects that. The American education system was created to suit the needs of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution required certain types of people. In an effort to cater to the masses, the... read more ›
1.3K reads
If you’ve graduated college through the conventional school system, you have spent upwards of 15,000 hours behind a desk learning in a system that was designed to value efficiency over originality and diversity of thought. Yet, fuel for creative pursuits are found when we can tap into our own originality and uniqueness. So how do we access that space more frequently? Follow the fear. Enjoy! Listen to the Podcast Subscribe This podcast is brought to... read more ›
303 reads