Superfun piece here. Reverse motion isn't a new technique by any stretch, but it doesn't need to be. Messe Kopp had a cool idea and executed it - turned out fun and cool. And above all, he went and CREATED something, versus sitting around talking about it. Great example of being creative on a low budget. #respect Check out more of Messe Kopp's stuff here: Facebook You tube The track is called "White Lies" by... read more ›
1.1K reads
Disney movies are an integrated part of childhood for most Westernized culture, to the point where if someone is presented with a picture of any of the "princesses" they can immediately identify them. These princesses are a clearly engrained part of our youth culture, visions of feminine charm and reworked classic fairy tales. But what happens when instead of showing these fictional women as beautiful shining figures, you surround them with filth and death? Click... read more ›
6.1K reads
One image can be so powerful - able to elicit strong emotions and social awareness in an instant. Consider this project by a photographer who portraits elderly animals with a Hasselblad as a way to cope with her own mother having Alzheimer’s. The photographs she created are profound and heart wrenching, a unique look into aging with subjects we oftentimes overlook. Click through the tabs above to see some of her evocative images. The photographer’s... read more ›
2.5K reads
Steampunk is one of those strangely awesome subcultures that just sprung from obscurity about a decade ago and has been gaining steam (no pun intended) since then. It has an obsessive group of involved parties, of varying degrees of steampunkness. There are those people who just like going to conventions wearing top hats with cogs on them, and then there are those people who live in completely victorian esque houses, with everything surrounding them made... read more ›
3K reads
Might have caught this earlier, but here's a fascinating look at iconic portraits that were originally shot in black and white that have since been colorized in Photoshop. Normally, I don't fall for this stuff, but this is incredibly elegant I'd say. Seeing Abraham Lincoln in color just seems to make him more a little more "real". Same goes for the others above. These guys/gals look like a bunch... read more ›
5.4K reads
Welcome to a series of posts I'm calling Emerging Talent - where I'm spotlighting the work of photographers and filmmakers on the rise. Some are shooters that me and my spies will uncover from 500px or Flickr - others might already be shooting campaigns, but in both cases I don't care about what the "industry" says. This is simply work I like. IMHO their careers are either on the move or are about to be.... read more ›
3.8K reads
Ever clicked the sepia button on Aperture, Lightroom, or your favorite photo app and wondered, "What the hell is sepia?" I bet you have. It's fascinating how many novice and seasoned photographers alike don't know exactly what Sepia is. So I figured I'd give you all a little bit of cocktail party ammunition to impress... read more ›
60.6K reads
Street artist Mark Jenkins challenges people with his unique sculptures of humans in interesting or compromising situations. Made from packing tape and then dressed in pants and shirts, wigs and jewelry, these "dummy" arrest the passerbys with surprise and delight. Click through the gallery above to see some prime examples of Mark Jenkins' work. Photos of the pedestrians passing seem completely disinterested in the oddities that they are strolling right past. Twin beds and sleeping... read more ›
1.5K reads