One of the most consistent requests I get from readers is for info about all the paperwork and business side of the photo & cinema industries. Given that our Executive Producer, Kate, handles all that, I've talked her into doing a series of posts that get down to the brass tacks. This post is about that ever-important piece of paper that few photographers obtain--or even know how to obtain the location PERMIT. So here's Kate... read more ›
115.3K reads
Contracts can be a nightmare. I've never loved contracts even for a hot second, but fortunately I've surrounded myself with an awesome Executive Producer who really likes them -- Kate (she's also my wife), and a great lawyer or two. We know what a pain point this can be for creatives everywhere, so we sat down and pulled together a series of 15 tips aimed to help you navigate these messy waters. We know legal... read more ›
1K reads
Hey everybody, Kate here from Chase's Production crew. Just like many of you, I use email as a daily communication tool in my job. A flood of incoming emails to address and a long list of outgoing messagesis usually on my daily list of "to dos". Wrangling this beast of inbound and outbound communication is a necessary evil. As such, I have been working hard at becoming an Email Ninja. I especially love this article... read more ›
1.2K reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. This is part 4 of 4: You’ve made it! So now what? Let's dance! Part 4: 8 Mission Critical Tips for Being on the Road 1. Kick Jet Lag’s Ass. If you are traveling a long way, start sleeping at the right times for your destination during your flight. If... read more ›
712 reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. This is part 3 of 4 on how to pack like a boss. Check out the last two posts in this series: 10 Mission Critical Tips for Booking Photo and Video Travel - getting there 12 Mission Critical Tips for Pre-Production -... read more ›
1.9K reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. This is part 2 of 4 on how to make it happen. In my last post, I shared 10 Mission Critical Tips for Booking Photo and Video Travel, which focused on getting you there. Now it’s time to dive in to your production. 12 tips for your Destination Production 1.... read more ›
2.7K reads
Hi friends. Kate here again. I've been reading your questions lately, I've noticed that many are about production. It's no doubt that shooting days can be stressful: you have a set of objectives that need to be accomplished, time is limited, the client is present, weather, travel, lodging and permits may be a factor, you're coordinating people and there are always little surprises that crop up. Plain and simple, there are just lots of moving parts... read more ›
7.6K reads
Kate stepping in here to give you a bit of info from the business side of photography & filmmaking, this time about taxes. Yes, it is that time of year again. If you're in the ol' USA and didn't already know it, the due date for 2010 US Federal taxes has been extended to April 18, 2011. That may be really great news to anyone scurrying around to finish up taxes at the last minute. ... read more ›
1K reads