Does this scenario sound familiar? You've poured countless hours into creating something amazing—perhaps a product, website, artwork, or work presentation. With anticipation, you release it to the world, sharing it with your intended audience. Then... silence. No response, no engagement. It's as if no one cares. Frustrated, you might find yourself enviously eyeing other creators, wondering how they manage to gain traction while your equally impressive work struggles for attention. You review your process, searching... read more ›
205 reads
Jonah Berger understands the power of words in a way that makes them almost magical. We see the power of words everywhere these days, and behind them, behavioral science. Even more so as creatives and entrepreneurs. We see it in the constant marketing messages that we’re exposed to. It’s also common to consider the behavior of our customer base and our markets. Jonah Berger has been on CJLIVE before. His work continues to stand out.... read more ›
1.7K reads
Bozoma Saint John is a businesswoman and marketing expert with over 20 years of experience at her back. She began her career with Spike Lee's advertising agency, then went on to work for the likes of Pepsi, Apple Music, Uber, Endeavor, and most recently Netflix. Bozoma has spent the last few years of her life shaking things up; the American Advertising Federation Hall of Achievement and American Marketing Hall of Fame inductee resigned from her... read more ›
729 reads
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you most likely know my M.O. by now: put your work out there early and often. Steve Martin famously said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” But the other side of that is to have so much work out there that people can't swing a stick without hitting something you've made/written/built/produced/directed/etc. I talked about this with fellow sharing advocate, #cjLIVE alum, and all-around... read more ›
798 reads
John Jantsch is a veteran marketer. He's written several bestselling books including Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine. He's out with a new book called the Self-Reliant Entrepreneur: 366 Daily Meditations to Feed Your Soul and Grow Your Business As you might know, I'm a bit of a fan of daily habits, so of course John gives us a little preview into some of the daily explorations of thoughts and writings from notable American... read more ›
2.3K reads
Legend alert!!! Seth Godin is a force of nature and a shaman to so many creatives and entrepreneurs. He has taught and inspired millions of entrepreneurs, marketers, leaders, and fans from all walks of life, via his blog, online courses, lectures, and his 18 (yes, count them - 18!) bestselling books. If you’ve been following his work, you’ll know he’s one most brilliant marketing minds of our time. Seth Godin’s latest book, This Is Marketing,... read more ›
3.8K reads
Ryan Holiday is an author and media strategist. His career in marketing started at age 19, where he dropped out of college to work with Robert Green. He soon found his way as the director of marketing for American Apparel, then went on to start his own creative agency, Brass Check, who advises the likes of Google, Tim Ferriss, and Tony Robbins. He’s quite the writer, making the New York Times bestseller list with multiple... read more ›
4.6K reads
From her start as a “Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop, and a dream,” Marie Forleo built a digital empire. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Forbes top 100 websites for Entrepreneurs, her mission is to help you realize your greatest potential and use your unique talents to change the world. In this episode, we dive into real lessons of listening to your gut,... read more ›
4.2K reads
Seth Godin is an incredible human. He’s an author of 18, yes that's right, 18 best selling books. He is an entrepreneur, a guru in marketing, and writes a post every day on his blog which has been noted as one of the top marketing blogs on the internet. Seth's most current focus is his course called the altMBA focused on developing high-powered thinkers and leaders. One of the things I like best about Seth... read more ›
4.2K reads
---- Update: just a reminder that Guy Kawasaki is on chasejarvisLIVE tomorrow, Wednesday March 21. Details are here.... ------- The jury is out. For some it's the best thing ever. For others it's just another social media tool that clutters the horizon, and for others still it hasn't lived up to the hype that Google may have hoped. But NYTimes best-selling author Guy Kawasaki tells us why we're wrong in his new ebook What the... read more ›
314 reads