PROBLEM: I can't count how many times I've seen this classic scene: you've walked away from your gear bag, not paying close attention and someone goes to move it and OOPS ... the bag LOOKED closed, but it was actually still open and now sh*t is going everywhere. You've got $2,000 lenses bouncing on the concrete.. SOLUTION: Here's an very simple tip that will increase your on-location camera bag kung fu skills and make sure... read more ›
7K reads
My alarm goes off. It's 3:45 this morning. I snooze till 3:56. Now I'm up, but barely. No shower. Pull on dirty bluejeans. Tshirt. Brush teeth. Some quick math tells me that I’d just enjoyed a luxurious 3 hour and 15 minute night of sleep. Moving. Slowly. And then I remember more clearly. Ah yes..heading out of town again. Excited--but remembered that the cab to the airport is due here in 20 minutes. Finish packing... read more ›
821 reads