For most creatives, the biggest challenge isn’t doing the work, it’s getting the work. Few of us are natural marketers or adroit at selling our vision, so many creatives live in a state of constant anxiety about where the next project (and paycheck) is going to come from. Because of that, it’s tempting to jump on any project that comes your way, especially if you’re -- as I was at the beginning of my career... read more ›
68.3K reads
In case you missed our December 6th episode of Chase Jarvis LIVE, it was all about the portfolio. We had Allegra Wilde, visual strategist and co-founder of on the show, talking about common mis-steps and some of the best ways for your work to get noticed. She even gave us a quick portfolio review and a sneak peek at her upcoming service You missed quite the show, indeed, but luckily the re-watch of... read more ›
1.7K reads