Hopefully you caught this popular post last quarter. And so it continues here with another review of the top lenses - this time of the top Nikon lenses - my preferred weapon of choice when shooting stills. You already know I rarely write about gear since there are entire websites dedicated to that sophistry but it doesn't change the fact that it's still a top request I get from you, so the way I mitigate... read more ›
256K reads
Geek alert. Although the mentality stems from the last century, the megapixel wars are not over. It is, however, safe to say that those of us familiar with our cameras have started to realize that they are much more than megapixels + dynamic range. There are other factors that we have come to admit are important to consider - case in point, the sensor. Some are noisy, some are big, some are juicy, others are...well...... read more ›
2.9K reads