The rapid advancement and vastness of today's technology can be daunting. For instance, Artificial Intelligence, once a topic of science fiction, now guides us in baking bread and optimizing our tax returns. Many are concerned about technology's impact on employment. Professionals in various fields are now competing with machines designed for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. While complete replacement of human labor by technology is still a distant reality, it's a looming concern for many, especially creators.... read more ›
927 reads
We love to believe that creativity happens in a moment of inspiration. Yet few great discoveries in history were experienced in a flash of thought, or a jolt, like hitting a pinball machine's tilt button. Behind the 'matter of luck' phenomena are precious times of consistent planning and persistence. Moving from zero to one in any activity or profession requires a lot of planned effort. Being consistent with your plan helps you gain momentum, which... read more ›
1.2K reads
A lot of my breakthrough creative thoughts come to me when least expected. I've talked about "finding creativity" and "creative inspiration" all over the place... on podcasts like this and this (twice for example) or given a keynote on it here at SWSW. That said, I've also learned from an entire life in the trenches as an artist what DOESN'T contribute to them (abusing myself, bad head space, partying too much), but more importantly, what... read more ›
10K reads
Hi friends. Yes, it's true! I'm looking for a high quality, high hustle digital/content guru to join my team supporting my content efforts. Over the last couple years I've turned up the heat on my social content to bring value to this community - those already with us and those yet to join our army. I'm looking for someone to focus hardcore on helping me make behind- and in-front-of-the-scenes content that adds value and tells stories ...... read more ›
4.4K reads
I've flown MILLIONS of air miles (literally), but you don't have to take it from me. In fact, ask anyone who has a lot of miles under their belt about travel tips, and you'll start learning that are a TON of little secrets that can significantly improve your experience getting from point A to point B on planes, trains, and automobiles. Some of you on Snapchat have asked my tips for travel and I thought... read more ›
33.3K reads
We've come to reserve the word GENIUS only for the top percent of society, a special gifted few. But the truth is, there is genius in all of us. What we really need to do is find it and let it out. I asked Michael Meade, a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology and author of The Genius Myth to help break this down --- and like all good chasejarvisRAWs, he... read more ›
2.9K reads
My true calling in life is exactly what I'm doing right now, but I did not wake up one day and just KNOW that I wanted to become a photographer and an entrepreneur. It took years of trial and error, starts and stops, and listening to my own gut to find a path to here. It wasn't easy, and I think it rarely is. Over the years, people have asked me how to help them... read more ›
7.4K reads
"Busy" isn't success. Busy is a lack of priority. For a long time I thought the following about "busy" people: -they were important -they were cool -that had it so rough - poor them! They need sympathy! Then, after bailing on a career in soccer, dodging medical school and quitting half-way through getting a PhD in Philosophy - I went to work for myself. That's when being "busy" doing all that busy work ACTUALLY got... read more ›
28.8K reads
Hi everyone. Scott here. Ever wonder what the models and athletes you’re shooting are thinking? No, the answer is not: nothing. Contrary to popular stereotype, most of these people are bright and driven and are working hard on their end of the camera. I know, it looks easy, but that’s the trick, the good ones always make it look easy. Well, I’m no fashion model, but I have spent enough time on the sharp end... read more ›
787 reads
"The reality is that it's easier to be inspired than it is to create an original idea and we are hardwired to take the path of least resistance. It's easier to jump onto a design inspiration gallery site than it is to sit down with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. It's easier to follow a pattern than it is to test-drive new options. It's easier to copy a style or idea that... read more ›
1.8K reads