The images surrounding the first African American US President, Barack Obama, will indisputably be an important part of the historical record of our country, and, likely, the world. I believe it’s this new era of photography--both in the creation of images and how they are spread--that has brought us a more interesting, diverse, and never-before-experienced range of images and access to them. And setting campaign platforms aside, it's a worthwhile endeavor to examine the images... read more ›
180 reads
If you've watched any videos on this blog, you should watch this one. Whether you're observing the holiday from home or the office, I recommend that you turn up your speakers a few clicks, gather some family members, friends, or colleagues together and watch this 17 minute video.RSS readers can catch the video here.--
153 reads
You should know that the above video is not my typical video. Sure it’s a Chase Jarvis RAW - the series where I normally show a bunch of behind the scenes footage from a shoot - but this is different because, while this certainly is the backstage of “a shoot,” there are ultimately no models, no cameras, no lighting, no wardrobe or props anywhere to be found in this video. Huh? I understand that... read more ›
401 reads
The year was 1968. My uncle was killed in Vietnam, and this was the camera that he carried into war.But this isn't a sad story, nor is it the end of a story, it's a sort of a cool new beginning--not for my uncle Rick unfortunately, but it is for this little camera.Enter stage right: Seattle’s largest cultural festival, Bumbershoot. Hundreds of bands, theater, performance, food, it’s a 3 day festival in September. Very cool.... read more ›
860 reads
If you follow me on Twitter, you likly already saw this from my morning tweet, but I couldn't resist posting it here as well. It's just too unbelievable not to share. This photo (left) is of a functioning 4x5 camera made from aluminum, titanium, brass, silver, gem stones and a genuine 150-year-old human skull. Seriously. It seems that the maker of these camera, photographer Wayne Martin Belger is a complete purist and only willing to... read more ›
620 reads
What a year it has been. Thanks so much for spending your precious time here. I'm grateful for the level of engagement from this community and I'm continually invigorated by the power of sharing stories, ideas, and information online. Winding down 2008, here's a quick look back at some popular behind-the-scenes videos and other posts that had some interesting traction:Chase Jarvis RAW: Advance Testing the Nikon D90I was lucky to be the first photographer to... read more ›
202 reads
My iPhone has been like crack to me since the day one on the market, June 3, 2007. Most of us iPhone users make regular and swift use of the impressive 'Net, email, and location-based tools, but as a professional creative I'm always using the built-in camera to grab snaps of anything that catches my eye for ideas, inspiration, and such. In fact--in case you didn't know--I post daily mobile iPhone snaps to my Facebook... read more ›
2.7K reads
People once said, "Digital sucks, I'm sticking with film." People once said, "I'll create a library of images (stock? almost forgot it existed...), retire young and live off my royalties." People once said, "The sky (cloud?) is falling." People (me) have said, "This is the most interesting time in history to be a photographer." It's a known fact that more photographs are being used, licensed, sold today than ever before in history. Some photographers are... read more ›
285 reads
I just recently updated my online portfolio with some more images that strike the chord I've been pursuing lately: curious moments coupled with simple, inky finishes that kick contrast and density rules to the curb.Reminds me: I gained some insights, some laughs and some horror out of reading the comments from a post not too long ago where I encouraged you to Be My Editor, as well as the followup post The Results Are In.... read more ›
1.2K reads
Never thought I'd be complaining about signing the last 500 in a series of 2500 limited-edition books, but here I'm eating crow. Cody pulled together the funny little timelapse above, highlighting yours truly signing my last and final palette of Stevens Pass books at the warehouse. Can you say hand cramps? Big thanks to those of you who already nabbed a copy of my limited edition, self-published coffee table book in time for the... read more ›
280 reads