Not too long ago I had a creative/personal breakthrough with my work. In short, it amounted to my snapping into clarity about what I wanted from my creativity, my profession, and ultimately, my life. A path to this subsequently emerged, and I've revealed the thrust of these epiphanies--without eloquence--on this blog over time.In a wave or recent email and Facebook inquiries on this sort of stuff, I was tempted put together a summary post on... read more ›
247 reads
In full disclosure, I’m probably not the best person to pay attention to for stellar direct mail promo pieces. We did score a PDN Self-Promo award back in 2006 with this piece, but outside of that, I haven’t historically had a cohesive plan about this sort of stuff. And so it continues here today. But that's not stopping me from wanting to share them. Actually, I’m proud to say that this is my... read more ›
599 reads
[Note: I'm excited today to announce a new element to this here blog: monthly guest posts from my badass staff. Since each of them are experts in their own right, I figured you'd be interested in hearing some different perspectives. Today, Scott takes the reins and raps about our push for visual impact over "perfection" and how stock photography gives him the willies. Round of applause, please...take it away Scotty...]We keep a lot of irons... read more ›
445 reads
Just wanted to break up the pace today and share a couple of links that I recently plucked from my inbox. Where it used to be just still images and portfolios that were sent my way by readers, it's now often personal projects that engage a mixture of stills, moving images, and audio/music. And everyone knows I'm an advocate of personal projects... Without my intending, it seems that each of the three I posted below... read more ›
342 reads
[Update: the video hummed along nicely for about 24 hours, however sometime late Saturday/early Sunday the embedded video stopped playing here, presumably due to Facebook bandwidth constraints/large traffic volumes. We reposted and it was just more of the same. They're still serving it to my Facebook page if you're interested in checking it out there.]Whew! Just wrapped the first ever (I'm told) national ad campaign shot with the Nikon D3x. What an absolute beaut of... read more ›
280 reads
Alrighty. I'm pumped to try something new here. Today I am starting work on a 4-day North American advertising campaign, which--according only to what those I know in the biz can confirm for me--might just be the first such campaign shot using the Nikon D3x.Oh ya, btw, I've started dropping some 24.5 megapixel Nikon bombs these days. Just got a production D3x on Friday.As a part of my continued mission with this here blog, I... read more ›
479 reads
You know the Songs for Eating and Drinking project I've got going with my buddy Hebb. (If not, check here.)Long story short, we followed up our foiled attempt to get to our Portland S.F.E.A.D two weeks ago, with a night I'll never forget. Last Saturday, after a year in the making and some gracious help from our beloved Sabzi, we were able to briefly unite Seattle's once-underground-but-now-erupting hip-hop community--at a dinner table set for... read more ›
714 reads
The images surrounding the first African American US President, Barack Obama, will indisputably be an important part of the historical record of our country, and, likely, the world. I believe it’s this new era of photography--both in the creation of images and how they are spread--that has brought us a more interesting, diverse, and never-before-experienced range of images and access to them. And setting campaign platforms aside, it's a worthwhile endeavor to examine the images... read more ›
185 reads
If you've watched any videos on this blog, you should watch this one. Whether you're observing the holiday from home or the office, I recommend that you turn up your speakers a few clicks, gather some family members, friends, or colleagues together and watch this 17 minute video.RSS readers can catch the video here.--
154 reads
You should know that the above video is not my typical video. Sure it’s a Chase Jarvis RAW - the series where I normally show a bunch of behind the scenes footage from a shoot - but this is different because, while this certainly is the backstage of “a shoot,” there are ultimately no models, no cameras, no lighting, no wardrobe or props anywhere to be found in this video. Huh? I understand that... read more ›
410 reads