I was onto the rush of mirrorless cameras pretty early - mostly from manufacturers sharing with me what was "coming soon", but I admit that I didn't really "get" it, until I started receiving early versions, prototypes and demos from the marketing folks at all your fav manufactures. Only then did I truly understand the punch that these little cameras pack - because they're good. I loved the concept, but hated the tiny sensors and... read more ›
59.4K reads
Are you ready to have that lightbulb moment? Yes? Then stop reading and hit PLAY on the vid above. My guest in last week's cjLIVE was none other than the globe trotting, "self employed for life" hacker Chris Guillebeau. In addition to being all those things plus the founder of the World Domination Summit (most amazing name ever for a creative conference...) he is a best-selling author of The $100 Startup as well... read more ›
722 reads
Many of us have ...ahem...fantasies about shutting down the laptop and closing up the studio for an extended period to go try something different. Pick up horseback riding. Learn a new language. Fly a plane. We all know our creative souls need it, but making the move is frightening. A couple months ago my writer friend Ben dropped in to share his thoughts on strategic renewal and scheduling... read more ›
3.5K reads
Shabazz Palaces front-man Ishmael Butler was gracious enough to pose for this 60 Second Portrait back when he was on set for the cjLIVE episode with Ian Ruhter. Ishmael was one of the subjects of our massive tintype portraits along with Chris Ballew. Enjoy!
851 reads
You know I love film. Just shot my Polaroid 600E yesterday and loved it. Shot the Hassie the week before, and just loaded a roll into my Lomo 'Sardine'. That said, seeing that damn near everything has (obviously and justly) gone digital, film cameras are dirt cheap. And whether you're a seasoned pro or an iphone snapper, a good dose of shooting actual film would be good for you. Trust me on this. So that's... read more ›
352.7K reads
As any regular Redditor knows, the internet is made of cats. They've been with us since the days of the Egyptians - although nowadays they have their own reality shows. What is it with these damn cats? As the collection of images below indicates, cats have played the role of creative muses in the lives of some pretty famous creatives, including Dali, Picasso and Warhol.... read more ›
2.7K reads
Update: We are TODAY with renowned author, world traveler and all-around inspiration Chris Guillebeau. My dinner with Chris last night was electrifying and foreshadowed today's show which promises to deliver the goods on how Chris has accomplished more in his 35 years than most do in a lifetime. Head over to the live page to tune in. Prepare to have that lightbulb moment for yourself while watching the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE on Wednesday, May... read more ›
293 reads
In my last chasejarvisTECH piece you got a peek at the gear I packed away for the 19,000 foot climb up Kilimanjaro for the Summit on the Summit. There were more than a few comments on how much "stuff" went with me. It's all relative I suppose, but when you get down to it that was a fairly bare-bone operation for a job that still yielded high-end results. As you see in this... read more ›
1.1K reads
Before the Internet made sourcing new music and rising bands a simple matter of keystrokes, bookmarks and RSS feeds, there was the radio DJ. Those with an insatiable thirst for the fresh and undiscovered relied on the savvy DJ with the right connections to feed us a steady diet of the up and coming, the unsigned, the ones-to-keep-an-eye-on. For the unsigned and undiscovered, it was said DJ who provided the air time, created the buzz... read more ›
560 reads
A NO BRAINER. When someone comes to you and asks you if you'd like to create a photograph of your most vivid dream on their dime -- let's be clear on this one -- you say YES. Such was the case with Samsung and their creative agency Possible several weeks back. I got one of "those cool phone calls" where all your hard work comes into focus just for a second. (Dialogue in... read more ›
7.3K reads