Y'all are well aware of my relationship and long-time love affair with Polaroid. Well, back when the film went out of manufacturing, a now-friend of mine Dr. Florian Kaps took on a project that some called impossible--the resurrection of the old-style instant films. He bought up the last Polaroid film factory in the Netherlands and has succeeded in bringing back instant film from a near death. This video--looks to be a TV short... read more ›
1.1K reads
Is it bigger than a breadbox? No. It’s my new Olympus Pen E-P2 camera kit, and it’s awesome. As the guy who manages the inventory of equipment here at Chase Jarvis Inc., it’s fair to say that I know a thing or two about what it takes to pull off a photo shoot. Every time we roll down the street or fly around the world, I pack and move cases of gear. No... read more ›
1.2K reads
I'm never one to drop a heavy post on you headed into the weekend. So this one is light. So light in fact that it floats in the air like your morning toast and coffee and orange juice you're about to eat. You may have caught this a couple weeks ago, but I was too buried to share it. So here 'tis. Consider this while you're grabbing brunch over the next two days. The above... read more ›
468 reads
I don't talk about gear all that much, but this one goes out to you camera geeks and gearheads. So many of you have been asking about the array of cameras I'm shooting while living in NYC (and somewhat in line with yesterday's post) we decided to whip up a quick Chase Jarvis TECH video to run you through them. Ten formats in all, from top of the line Nikons, to old Polaroids, even some... read more ›
800 reads
You knew it was coming. A bazillion of you have been asking and now you are among the first to know: the Polaroid GL10 Mobile Instant Printer that was announced back at CES in January is now available for pre-order, but more importantly, it will hit some actual retail shelves first thing this morning in limited quantities. The GL10 (I've been fondly calling it the Polaprinter) was... read more ›
7.3K reads
I'm whupped, so I'm going low brow on this one. Had to laugh. You gear heads are gonna love this. Continue reading
530 reads
Thanks to the hundreds of you who wrote in to take a stab at how the ballet image was made [note that this thumbnail here is a crop, not the final...go to the original post to see that one]. A handful of you nailed it to varying degrees. Here's my breakdown of shot: First, this was not a snapshot. Anything I'd list that would be of interest has been planned, choreographed Second, this image was... read more ›
2.1K reads
Howdy Y'all, Dartanyon again responding to an important gear question we get asked all the time. We spend a great deal of time out on location, and as Chase's last series of blog posts clearly shows that it's not all hotel rooms and poolside locations. Sometimes we’re at 12,000 feet above sea level snowshoeing to location, and carrying "extra" stuff is not practical. Over the last 4 years I have refined my traveling gear considerably,... read more ›
1.4K reads
[Alrighty gear heads. Erik here with a continuation of the series of posts where I elaborate on the gear that I consider essential for my video job here at CJinc. I previously discussed how the Zaucto Z-Finder helps me guarantee the visual quality of my video, and in this post I'll explain how the Rode Stereo Video Mic ensures that my BTS footage will have respectable sound too. Perhaps more importantly though, how it allows... read more ›
2.3K reads
As a followup to my last 9 "Diary of a Shoot" posts where I scribbled the play by play as well as my thoughts each night in a blog post, I thought I'd wrap that up with two things. 1. I want you to be able to ask questions that I did not address in my posts. There were hundreds that I didn't get to. I'm... read more ›
427 reads