Are you pursuing your personal passions to get the pictures you want, or are you letting...ahem..."too many obstacles" stop you? Here's a little inspiration. Using a weather balloon, a Gopro 2, a Multiplex Funjet and some other lo-fi equipment, David Windestål decided to get some first person footage of a trip to space. What he ends up with is an awesome video of the camera's trip into orbit, and a ton of inspiration for the... read more ›
1.7K reads
"Sliders and dollies help you tell your story with beautiful camera moves." So sayeth filmmaker Zeke Kamm of Nice Industries. Hard to argue with that statement. Well-placed, well-executed dolly shots increase production value, no question there. They can also increase production time and total gear load, as traditional sliders are bulky and a bitch to set up. That's where Kamm's Rocket Travel Slider comes in. Capable of delivering up to 10 foot long, smooth dolly... read more ›
420 reads
[UPDATE: Just returned from a job in Belize and guys have been busy! 2,000 comments/entries in a week! I've been checking out the work -there is some great stuff. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY (April 24). Any entries after today (at midnight) will miss the deadline and not be considered. Standby for the judging - it's going to take me a while... read more ›
976 reads
An invention doesn't truly achieve obsolescence until it gets turned into a night light. Or a meat grinder. Such it is for these retro film cameras, repurposed for some good fun, inspiration, and to invoke a sense of nostalgia for the days of dark rooms. Somewhere a hipster just gasped "the horror" and a grandfather went looking for his Dualflex III. Before you freak (or hate on the hacking of... read more ›
2.3K reads
A lot of us still shoot film for love and for fun. I'm often dragging around my Polaroid 600, my Hassie 500cm, some Lomo stuff (or these other film cameras)... but it's next to impossible to have clients get fired up to shoot film in a professionals setting. They wanna see their picture NOW. Well, if you've ever been in a pickle over how to get... read more ›
53.8K reads
Last week we checked out the Supraflux Video Camera Stabilizer, a small stabilizer that has been lighting up kick-starter, already making over double their goal with almost a month left. Today we've got the other side of the spectrum with the MoVi from my very good friends Tabb and Hugh at Firefly Systems. I've used these guy for several years now as go-to help for aerial RC choppers and other fun toys... but in the... read more ›
4K reads
Need a little more change in the pocket (or a lot)? If you're doing top-notch work, you may be in luck because Burn magazine is giving away $15,000 in grants for three photographers. Called the "Emerging Photographer Fund", the grants will be awarded in three allotments; one photographer will win $10,000, and two others will get $2,500 a piece. Initiated by legendary photographer David Alan... read more ›
771 reads
I'm loving the photo related projects that are popping up on kickstarter these days. I get 4-5 emails per week from people promoting their projects. Some of them suck. Some are fun. Others are downright dope. So, as we usher in a new era of DIY gadgetry and attempt to discover a future slew of products that might help us photogs + directors, I'm going to try to regularly recommend some kickstarters that have a little... read more ›
848 reads
Geek alert. Although the mentality stems from the last century, the megapixel wars are not over. It is, however, safe to say that those of us familiar with our cameras have started to realize that they are much more than megapixels + dynamic range. There are other factors that we have come to admit are important to consider - case in point, the sensor. Some are noisy, some are big, some are juicy, others are...well...... read more ›
2.9K reads
At 26 years old, Chris Burkard is living the dream of traveling around the world to shoot surfers in exotic places. He's been recognized for his work with some prestigious awards including a first place spot in the Red Bull Illume competition. His images are a complementary mix of being right in the action and being removed from it. At times the subject is a tiny speck in the grander landscape. Other times the camera... read more ›
2.7K reads