What does a stream of non-stop 24/7 creative education look like? In case you've been on vacation, it looks like what http://www.creativeLIVE.com/live has looked like for the past two weeks...and will continue to look for the remaining few days of 2012. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of the year, you can join a community of more than 1 million people strong and check out the most popular segments of... read more ›
231 reads
The damage and scale of the superstorm Sandy continues to come to light today. At least 56 people in the U.S. were killed and another 67 in the Caribbean. Cost estimates are in the $60 billion range and more than 4 million people remain without power. Reports from all of the major news organizations paint a more complete picture by the hour - ranging from major inconvenience to total devastation.... read more ›
676 reads
Big news. Ramit Sethi is doing a 3 day intensive course on creativeLIVE starting today. Right NOW in fact. If you know who he is and why I'm so stoked, go to creativeLIVE.com/live RIGHT NOW for free. If you don't need or want to earn money with your creative work then no worries - total respect - skip this post and jump over to 13 tips for a more creative success (one of my fav... read more ›
804 reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. This is part 3 of 4 on how to pack like a boss. Check out the last two posts in this series: 10 Mission Critical Tips for Booking Photo and Video Travel - getting there 12 Mission Critical Tips for Pre-Production -... read more ›
1.9K reads
UPDATE: We have a WINNER! Huge huge thanks to all of you who participated in this quick contest. We had thousands of tweets and threads and trends all over the internet. It gives me great pleasure to announce the winner...drum roll...wait for it.... Amy Rollo (@brookland on Twitter). All told we had people from 94 countries participate. While my pocketbook hasn't been so lucky in past contests, as I've had winners from Hong Kong and... read more ›
593 reads
I just received a very inspiring email. I thought it was worth sharing. I’ve changed or left out some of the personal details to protect the privacy of the sender. “Hey Chase, It worked. Everything you said worked. I declared myself a photographer, got business cards, set up an LLC, pumped out shots and handed them out like mad. I DECIDED this is who I am, and it's like the whole world conspired in my favor.... read more ›
1.4K reads
As we artists continue to be forced to become entrepreneurs in our own right (see this episode of #cjLIVE with Zoe Keating), all things entrepreneurial are of interest to me... How can we channel our creative stuff into thinking into light, fast and hardcore focus like most startups are forced to think. The correlation is not a perfect one, but it's expressly relevant to us creatives. It's relevant for me not only in... read more ›
283 reads
We're so innundated with photos these days. If you miss a loved one, you can just pull up a Facebook page or shoot them a text asking for a picture of what they're doing. But what if you were locked away with limited access to images. What would you ask... read more ›
2.4K reads
In the last few months, tornados have ripped through much of midwest. The wreckage is crazy, many people have lost everything--some even their lives--and aide workers are doing their best to piece it all back together. There a few photos of the storms themselves--which are huge and scary--but mostly, there are tons of photos of the aftermath...destroyed houses, overturned cars, ruined farms...which kind of fall into the... read more ›
714 reads
Remember the group fine art show I was bubbling about in September? I intro'd it here, updated the project here. In short, 50 fellow artists -- some of the worlds best known photographers, street artists, fashion designers, painters, celebrities, sculptors and more -- came together at the lofty Phillips de Pury gallery in NYC to raise money for charity... This here video chronicles just a part of the story--the making of my piece... read more ›
527 reads