Elle is an artist and author and just a genuinely amazing human. You’ve seen her design work on Medium, Uber, and many other recognizable brands as she came out the legendary design firm, IDEO. She was part of the 30 Days of Genius series on this podcast where we took a deep dive into finding our calling with the help of her breakthrough book, The Crossroads of Should And Must. I’ve personally found the idea... read more ›
2K reads
If you’ve ever asked yourself - as almost all of us have - “how can I find and follow my calling and my passion,” then you’re going to get a lot out of this conversation. Elle has a book describing her own search for an answer to this question which is called “The Crossroads of Should And Must” which explores the tension between the expectations that parents, friends, and culture put on us (what she calls... read more ›
4.6K reads