Ijeoma Oluo is a writer, speaker, and Internet Yeller. Her NYT bestselling book So You Want to Talk about Race has had a huge resurgence as of late, and it's no wonder given the times we are in. Ijeoma has been named The Root’s 100 Most Influential African Americans, one of the Most Influential People in Seattle by Seattle Magazine and Seattle Met for her work on issues of race and identity, feminism, social and mental... read more ›
853 reads
“It’s impossible to move forward while staying the same”. That’s what motivated Tyler Babin, a 25 year old up & coming filmmaker, who hustled his way into his dream job only to leave it to pursue the riskier thing, an even bigger bet - on himself. I’ve had literally hundreds of requests over the years to have someone on the show who isn’t Richard Branson or Brene Brown or {fill in the blank star}…ie. host... read more ›
1.9K reads
Scott Dadich is a designer, filmmaker and entrepreneur. He’s currently the co-CEO of Godfrey Dadich Partners, a design, content and strategy firm. Prior to that he worked at Conde Nast as the editor of Wired and leading the build out of Conde Nast's digital strategy including the tablet editions of their magazines (if you remember when those came out, they were incredible products that were among the first publications that really felt tablet-native). He’s also the creator of the... read more ›
2.2K reads
Cinema / video camera innovation over the last few years has largely centered around moving the camera. From jibs, to sliders, to drones and gimbals -- all with the aim to give us tools to get unique and interesting shots. Flashback 10 years ago, when I was working on campaigns with REI, Nikon, etc .... I'd call up my friend Tabb who was a drone geek tinkering in his basement working to combine his two passions... read more ›
5.4K reads
UPDATE: this is TODAY! starting at 9am SEA time (11am Austin, 12noon NYC, 17:00 London) you can join into the conversation with your truly + the most creative minds from photo, design, tech & music. If I do my job right, you'll get more insight in a weekend than at a semester of any college - all from people who have found success. LIVE at www.creativelive.com/SXSW. Ask questions all day at #UberLIVE or... read more ›
458 reads
Wanted to take a break for a hot second this morning -- away from studios and airplanes and shooting photos in far away places -- to make a special announcement and say a huge, ginormous thank you. If you’ve been a part of this community for some time, then you already know that a few years back, myself and my... read more ›
1.5K reads
What I remember from elementary school about Iceland is my teacher telling me, "Iceland is green and Greenland is ice." While I have not yet been to Greenland I can attest to the fact that Iceland in August is definitely green. Iceland - the well-known film and photo destination at the confluence of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - has been on my list of locations to visit for seemingly forever. Finally had the... read more ›
1.2K reads
Small cameras with big sensors are clearly an important part of the future. From the shockingly affordable cinema cameras from Blackmagic Designs to my beloved Olympus E-M5, it's clear to see that camera manufacturers are responding to a demand for compact camera systems. Sony is up there toward the front of the "big sensor/small camera" charge and seem to be pushing the technology forward, with last years Cybershot RX100, and now this years Cybershot RX1,... read more ›
4.1K reads
You've heard me say it before - don't sink all your effort into being incrementally better. Instead be DIFFERENT. Be BOLD. This episode of chasejarvisLIVE was focused specifically on this simple idea. And my special guests for this episode epitomize this 'different' and 'bold' mantra as well as anyone I know. Like all of my guests, these guys aren't ensconced in the "this is how it is" photo industry - they're innovators from a parallel... read more ›
849 reads
I'm headed back to New York city this week. The city has a unique way of pushing photographers and filmmakers to be more creative. The constant pulse of visual inspiration is motivational. My own work has been given the occasional Big Apple boost - in fact, it was just one year ago that I wrapped up my Dasein: An Invitation to Hang installation at the Ace Hotel. The mini-doc and some of my conclusions on... read more ›
799 reads