For your weekend viewing pleasure, check out the repost of Entourage star + filmmaker Adrian Grenier on chasejarvisLIVE. It's chock full of entertainment industry goodness and is sure to introduce you to something new that you'll dig. I'm also stoked to announce that we've just booked avant garde cellist Zoë Keating for chasejarvisLIVE on wednesday May 2nd. She's a one-woman orchestra, she's amazing, she's not to be missed. Mark your calendars!
611 reads
The concept of the REMIx is a dangerous one. Especially dangerous only if you don't know what it is, what it means, or why people are saying things like "Talent Imitates, Genius Steals." So, in case you missed the original LIVE version of chasejarvisLIVE: the REMIX episode with Mike Relm, we have delivered you with some re-watch goods once again. As always, the rewatch episode is not the complete show and you miss... read more ›
332 reads
HDSLR video is a great way to get high quality footage on a micro budget; and a great way to keep that budget micro is to be picky about what accessories are right for your setup. I recently received an email question focused on this and--in particular--if I had to choose between the Rode Stereo Videomic or the Zoom H4n, which would I use? So here's a little background on my thinking... 1. Cost. They... read more ›
6.6K reads
Erik here...As the resident video editor here at Chase Jarvis Inc, I’m on a never ending search for music. Often times the music drives the edit. The rhythm of the music can have a huge influence on the pace for the cuts and the mood can make a hilarious moment tragic. In other instances I get the luxury of having custom music created which is based on my edit of the footage. When that opportunity... read more ›
1.5K reads
60 Second Portrait of uber talented and visionary photographer Chris Jordan. I just love this. [aside: He's been on chasejarvis LIVE here - GREAT episode. His website is here. And if you dig these 60 second portraits, there are lots more Chase Jarvis 60's here.
620 reads
Hey friends. Erik the video guy here. We’ve had a bunch of YOUR questions come in about what gear/process/technique we used to make the Dasein docu-short we posted a couple days ago so I thought I’d chime in with a quick gear- and technique-specific follow up on how this film was made. First, Chase was the director on the project but wanted to remain focused simply on the overall look and feel. Plus, since he... read more ›
5.4K reads
The following is a transcription excerpt from a conversation a while back on #cjLIVE between yours truly and my dear friend, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet where we discuss gear, professional career, creative vision and more. We've got it on video (link at end of this post), but I think the transcript is nice because you can skim the conversation in just a couple minutes. And there are some nuggets in there... read more ›
642 reads
Hi friends. Kate here again. I've been reading your questions lately, I've noticed that many are about production. It's no doubt that shooting days can be stressful: you have a set of objectives that need to be accomplished, time is limited, the client is present, weather, travel, lodging and permits may be a factor, you're coordinating people and there are always little surprises that crop up. Plain and simple, there are just lots of moving parts... read more ›
7.6K reads
Want a better chance of getting hired? Read this: There are raging debates online all over the place about how to approach Art Directors and Creative Directors to show work. Email them, or don't. Do backflips for them, send them a carrier pigeon, only send a book, etc. Frankly, it's all over the damned map. As it turns out, some of those folks are my friends and they want to help us help them. And... read more ›
7.2K reads
How to succeed as a creative. How to fail. How to translate stills to video. Gear. Insight. Fear. Challenge. Agents, education and more. Your questions and mine answered. If you missed--or want to re-watch--the recent LIVE broadcast of chasejarvisLIVE: a conversation with Vincent Laforet, here's an edited 35 minute version for your perusal. The full 90-minute version of the original live broadcast, featuring extra Q&A, is available via our new audio-only podcast. Click... read more ›
999 reads