Please be my editor for the next 5 minutes.
I’m in the process of preparing an update for my online portfolio. Lots of new stuff to add. Having said that, we’re having a meaty discussion here in the studio this morning about images. So it occurred to me that, purely out of curiosity–and if you’re willing to indulge me–I’m looking for your feedback. I want to know two things, with a third thing as optional:
Thing 1: which is your most favorite image in my current online portfolio?
Thing 2: which is your least favorite image in my current online portfolio?
Thing 3 (optional): if you can briefly answer ‘why’ to either or both of the above, then do tell.
Just go ahead and list the images by number in the comments below.
Please keep a couple things in mind:
First, I’m just looking for your gut reaction. Resist noodling this (and I might suggest you don’t read other comments prior to weighing in.) I’ve got a lot of criteria for which images I’ll be featuring in the new round of edits (ones that are most personally close to me, ones that resonate with the projects I’m excited about, ones that feel like the work I’m hungry to do more of…etc), but as an artist I’m trying to understand more about raw impact, pause, stopability vs. the long take-in, and your opinion will help me learn a few things.
Second, to keep us on track, I’m hoping for this to be simply a basic count of your favorite(s) or dud(s) relative to the other images in my portfolio (not to anyone else). I’ve got some thick skin, but I’m not at this point looking for your comprehensive analysis. Just the facts, mam. Thanks.
UPDATE: Thanks so much for such an overwhelming response in less than 24 hours. Wow. I really appreciate your time, and the comments have fascinating. Since we got so much feedback in such a short time (my inbox looks like a pile of hangars 😉 I’m going to close down the thread and take a closer look at what you had to say… Please continue to peruse and compare with the notes of others if you like. In the meantime, I’ll report back in the not-too-distant future. Thanks!
First of all its really hard to pick any image of yours to not be a favorite!
Favorite: #11
It all works. The motion, the blown out highlights, the GREEN. it’s great.
Least Favorite: #14
I feel like it’s not a very dynamic shot and anyone with a point and shoot could have taken it.
I really like 1, 5, 11, and 24.
1: you can almost feel the excitement of a summertime road trip. The young, attractive carefree girl and the photog along for the ride.
5: Love the processing on this and the angle that he’s at. You just look at it and think badass. What does this photo have to do with Apple? Nothing, but it doesn’t matter. It makes me want to buy an ipod when I see that ad.
11: Really like the long exposure of the people in the background combined with the processing done on the subject. It def gives the feeling of “in your own world” or perhaps “just living your life while the world goes on on around you.” it really catches my attention.
24: This picture would never need a caption. The young couple thought they were alone and started to have some fun only to have the Toyota drive up on them. The excitement of the situation is shown through his gaze towards the SUV, both of their clenched muscles, and the sand flying everywhere.
I think that 13 and 28 look poor in subject, composition and technique. I’d scratch them from the port.
Favorite #18
Least Favorite #2
#2 Messy background. Looks too much like an unplanned shot.
#18 I like the perspective and the subtle story, wich is very open ended
Fav: #25 – I Love the energy in this frame and the contrast in the model’s poses coupled with the lighting that creates a certain mystery about the models.
Non Fav: #2 – Just dosent do it for me, it doesnt grab my attention immediately
If your interested I had to choose my favourite from a few images being: 18 5 8 24 30
Hey Chase,
I feel silly having to look at your work with a more critical eye instead of the usual drooling, but maybe sometime you can critique my work hmm? 😀
Ok, for me, #1 is by far my favorite. As for why, maybe it’s a phase of mine right now, but I love the natural look of the shot. It’s beautifully composed, feels very natural and casual, the color palette has a nostalgic air to it and the lighting is very in your face and beautiful.
My least favorite is #4. I don’t find that there’s much to look at. I’m not crazy about the lighting either. It’s not eccentric enough to make me uncomfortable (which would be great considering you cut off 2 human beings’ arms! Ok I know they’re not real but still) and it’s not mundane enough to be beautiful.
Ok, hopefully I haven’t burned a bridge here 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration and especially for sharing the process behind the scenes.