I was recently reminded that the fastest way to succeed is to fail. Literally. And yet the only reason this sounds a little weird, is because we’re constantly falling into a trap. There's No Perfect Plan In fact, I fell into this trap myself not too long ago. I was trying to make this little project work out perfectly (installing a golf simulator at the studio) I was doing all the calcs on paper… Making... read more ›
809 reads
In this episode, we dig into the importance of taking creative risks. We all know that some risk is necessary. Simply said, you cannot stand out and fit in at the same time. If you're not sharing your work, you're hiding, and this tends to compound on itself. Once you start hiding, you stop growing. Creativity requires taking risks and embracing failure. Failure is the forward propulsion toward success and the sooner we can change... read more ›
618 reads
Have you ever sold yourself short? I have, and it stings. It was early in high school when my coaches were quick to identify young Chase Jarvis as a high-performing athlete with potential to play sports at a high level. As a result of this label - and in an effort to maximize my potential - I was introduced to a sports psychologist who specialized in a cutting-edge practice called “visualization,” whereby athletes were taught... read more ›
982 reads
There’s a saying that goes: Plan for Success, Learn from Failure While I’d anticipated a demand for frequent updates of Best Camera if we succeeded—I’d baked it into the contract—what I had not anticipated was the possibility of such incredibly rapid success. I’d structured an agreement with the developers based on the idea that the app would take a while to achieve liftoff. The revenue split favored me once their initial investment was repaid. That... read more ›
777 reads
Are you held back by a fear of rejection or failure? You're not alone. In fact, fear of rejection is incredibly pervasive in our culture. But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? What if, instead of trying and failing to avoid rejection, we leaned into it?... read more ›
846 reads
The world is creative, innovative, and curious. It’s constantly inviting us to develop new ideas, improve on existing ones, and tap into endless possibilities. It’s also challenging as a creator to maintain an innovative mindset. We have so many pressures coming at us these days. If you’ve ever wondered how great innovators delve into their endless resource of ideas, it helps to learn from the source. Award-winning designer and author Hussain Almossawi has a... read more ›
375 reads
At the starting point of our creative journey, we make choices that will either drive us toward what we want or drive us away from it. At the time, we might not even realize what’s driving us. We think outside forces play a bigger role than internal determination and intuition, which in the end is the reason we arrive anywhere. Norton Zanini is a Florida-based photographer and creative entrepreneur who left his home in... read more ›
825 reads
I recently sat down with Joey Cofone, Co-Founder, and CEO of Baronfig. Joey is an award-winning graphic designer based in New York. Joey's work appeals to curious minds. He’s released his new book The Laws of Creativity where he helps us uncover the thinking and science behind the creative process and gets us thinking in a whole new way. How To Turn Skill Into Mastery How does skill turn to mastery? When we understand... read more ›
953 reads
Beginnings are tenuous times. Getting anything substantial off the ground means making countless tiny decisions first, any one of which might assume vast importance—if you’re successful down the road. Paralyzed by Fear & Decisions The danger is twofold. On the one hand, you can become paralyzed by all the decisions you need to make. They can steal the life from your project—whatever the medium and at whatever the scale—before you’ve even begun. “What if I... read more ›
980 reads
Do you know how many shots Michael Jordan missed during his career? More than 9000. Take baseball: a legendary hitter, bats a .300 average, which means he succeeds only one in three times at that. Take any famous entrepreneur and her true biography will serve mostly as an index of failures, with a few big wins mixed in. We think otherwise only because of our tendency to minimize failure and dwell on success when telling... read more ›
818 reads