What I've learned over the years is that the truly remarkable people are not just masters of their craft, but a combination of craft + many other things that elevate their work. In fact, the best photographers I know, the best creatives, teachers, accountants, or --insert profession here--, are also entrepreneurs/intra-preneurs, authors, speakers, marketers, and more. We're ALL hyphens. Just as I started as a photographer, then learned skills to become a director, then a... read more ›
3.3K reads
Imagine this: Your job is good, and safe, but it’s not fueling you anymore. You decide to quit your “real” job and sell all your belongings to live a life of adventure. And just as you are waving your last goodbye, the unthinkable happens and it changes everything. Like most of us, award winning photographer Jody MacDonald didn’t know what her path would be. Yet when her wake up call came, she listened. From train... read more ›
1.3K reads
So many of us are going along on the path that we think we want, only to realize that something is missing. The same was true for today’s guest, Chelsea Yamase (@chelseakauai) who found herself heading into a potential career that was slowly killing her soul. Through a winding path of architecture, graphic design, journalism, and a myriad of side hustles, she found herself faced with the big question: pursue the unconventional life of your... read more ›
2.6K reads
Today’s guest is one many of you have been asking for oh-so-long. He’s one of the top travel, outdoor, and landscape photographers in the world, bringing us to some of the most untamed and powerful landscapes in the pursuit of powerful stories, hidden surf, and a good adventure. Of course in this episode we get into his new book, At Glacier’s End, but we also get into some meaty topics such as: the power of... read more ›
5.1K reads
Over the years, I've really fallen in love with the ability to share and connect with you through my social channels. Never before has it been easier and faster to create, share, and connect. In a digital age where it's possible to live in our own little bubble, it can often feel technology is better at isolating us than connecting. What I've found though, is the opposite. I can think of the countless names I've... read more ›
2.7K reads
Listen to the Podcast Congrats! You did it - you're graduating! Big ups on all the hard work and long hours. But here's the scary part. Graduation is the first day of the rest of your life. Last week by far the most popular question I saw in my social feed was around graduation. Either YOU were graduating, your friends or sons / daughters--and, naturally, there was a lot of concern. Generally you asked what... read more ›
6.6K reads
I've flown MILLIONS of air miles (literally), but you don't have to take it from me. In fact, ask anyone who has a lot of miles under their belt about travel tips, and you'll start learning that are a TON of little secrets that can significantly improve your experience getting from point A to point B on planes, trains, and automobiles. Some of you on Snapchat have asked my tips for travel and I thought... read more ›
33.3K reads
Hello all you film fanatics, foto geeks, and anything else that starts with an "F" ;) -- here's the episode you asked for --- a quick and dirty tour behind the scenes of our 30 Days of Genius set. If you’re an OG of cjLIVE, you know the show is beautifully shot with cranes, dollies, and a full crew in front of a LIVE in-studio audience. Taking the show on the road for 30 Days... read more ›
11.9K reads
SHORT VERSION: Are you on SnapChat? If so add me @chasejarvis. We'll have a tighter relationship and I'll add value I promise. Are you NOT on SnapChat but curious? Read on... LONGER BUT STILL SHORT-ISH VERSION Are you on snapchat? If so, add me. If not, I truly truly believe in my heart of hearts this is something you should consider IF you love telling/consuming stories or want more access to me/my life and the... read more ›
12.9K reads
"Busy" isn't success. Busy is a lack of priority. For a long time I thought the following about "busy" people: -they were important -they were cool -that had it so rough - poor them! They need sympathy! Then, after bailing on a career in soccer, dodging medical school and quitting half-way through getting a PhD in Philosophy - I went to work for myself. That's when being "busy" doing all that busy work ACTUALLY got... read more ›
28.8K reads