I was recently invited to speak to the Art Director’s Club of Denver and the ASMP about creativity, and subsequently delivered that keynote two weeks ago. This video is a recording of that talk. Hope it strikes a chord with you.
I had a blast connecting with some of the creative community in Denver/Boulder while I was in town, and it was also a great honor to judge your annual advertising awards show with some rather distinguished ad gurus from around the country. Thanks to the ADCD for being such gracious hosts.
Additionally, the video should be downloadable via my iTunes podcast within the next 24-48 hours.
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If you can’t see the video in your RSS reader, click here.
Very inspiring. Def. strikes a chord with they way I have been feeling recently.
I just want to CREATE COOL STUFF and I don’t even care if I am getting paid to do it.
here is an example of something I made this past spring:
love iit.
– Nick
One of the best posts yet.
I dig the model of sustainability.
More ideas later! It's 5:38am where I'm at.
Chase, great presentation. It's interesting what you had to say because I was starting down a similar path. I was an AD for a local station and I kept trying to be innovative, creative and push our creative in a more positive and collaborative way. I got a lot of resistance. I guess they preferred a more "Can i take your order and would you like fries with that order" kind of approach.
I was frustrated and turned to photography as my creative outlet even doing some assignments for free just to gain some experience. At the end of last year, I was informed my contract would not be renewed and have found myself like many others unemployed. However the attitude to do more and be creative was noticed by others and has provided me with some paid work including photography and web design. Areas that I had no experience in until this year.
I was lucky in that I was able to put money away, so that now I have some freedom to devote more time to photography and yes, sometimes do work for free. I don't give my work for free, but rather find individuals that may be in a similar situation that may need a headshot or a model just starting to get into the business and needs some help. It may turn into something and then again it may not. I've also started a photography blog, inspired by yourself and folks like David Hobby, Zack Arias & Joe McNally.
Pretty soon, I will have to take a job in retail or something for sustenance. Although I have no steady job or income, I have never felt the kind of freedom that I'm enjoying right now. I've never been happier.
Your talk not only inspired me but confirmed what I'd already been feeling. Photography and the creative instinct inside me, helps keep me positive during these tough times. Thanks for your words and inspiration.
Fantastic and inspirational! Thank you!
Nice talk Chase
I really dug the create-share-sustain model.
It's totally common sense, yet enable so much.
Nothing like a good old 9-5 to keep the creative batteries charged.