Hi Friends. Hopefully you saw my #IceBucketChallenge video and donated or participated in the #ALS internet meme (and were able to keep sight of the real target of raising awareness + $$ for ALS!) To be clear we were just goofing from a production standpoint, but since there was some cinematic playfulness and we used a bit of photo tech for my icy challenge, I got a bunch of questions / comments from readers asking... read more ›
1.3K reads
I know, I know! I'm two weeks late for the #ALS #icebucketchallenge...I hate being late for an internet meme, but this is obviously way more/bigger/important than a meme... In this case, as you know by now, the world is raising awareness and money for ALS research. I've donated to ALS for not hitting my 24hr mark... and it's never too late for a good cause, so bring on the ice anyway, per the... read more ›
956 reads
We artists often suck at managing productions and budgets. We all have to get thru that stuff in the early days, but if you are numbers/manager challenged, my first piece of advice is bringing a producer into your shoots as soon as you can make it happen. That allows you to focus on your craft. Having said that, my staff producer Megan has had a ripping series of posts going on, including this one aimed... read more ›
1.1K reads
Real heli's and remote octo-copters. Flying cameras and world-class athletes. Lots of hard work and a great campaign for one legendary resort. Earlier this year in March you may have tuned into my live-updates while shooting the 2012-2013 campaign for Aspen/Snowmass resort. Amidst our 20 hour days we were able to kick out behind the scenes photos, some daily blog posts and a few other things highlighting our work (thanks to Aspen for being incredibly... read more ›
1.3K reads
Here's another 60 Second Portrait, starring Guy Kawasaki this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here. ----------
5.2K reads
If you're primarily an on-location photographer or filmmaker, then you know how much value a great location can add to the shoot. So today I'm introducing another Series (ala the 'Emerging Talent' and others...) where I feature supercool locations around the world. Stuff I discover, stuff that other send me, places I'd love to shoot. Of course feel free to chime in, share, link, or otherwise contribute in... read more ›
9.6K reads
3 weeks ago, I put the $150,000 Phantom Flex camera through its paces during an experimental fashion shoot with my good friend, director Will Hyde from Superfad. We had an absolute blast. We also had superhot female talent, an epic wardrobe, do-it-yourself solutions mixed with the highest end pro gear, and more than 50,000 watts of light. While the shoot went on for 6 hours, this here re-watch has been trimmed to include... read more ›
1.4K reads
Hello, readers! Megan here, Producer at Chase Jarvis Inc. We’ve just returned from an amazing 6-day shoot in Aspen, CO. You perhaps read about it here, here, or here. It got me thinking about client/crew relationships and customer service. One of the ways you can set yourself apart as a creative professional is to really go the extra mile for both your client(s) and your crew. This applies to YOU, whether you’re a photographer or... read more ›
1.1K reads
------ UPDATE: if you're reading this post now...The LIVE fashion shoot with the phantom camera #cjLIVE is TODAY at 10:00a Seattle Time, 1pm NYC, 16:00 London! Tune in here to the live page to watch over our shoulder, ask questions, and follow along as we shoot a fashion spot with the $150,000 phantom flex camera. ------ Know what its like to be on set during a super-legit fashion shoot? Well turn that up to 11... read more ›
863 reads
UPDATE: if you're reading this post now...The no "Talent Imitates, Genius Steals - REMIX" edition of #cjLIVE with one of the world's leading multimedia (audio + video) DJ's Mike Relm is TODAY 11:00 Seattle Time, 2pm NYC, 19:00 London! Tune in here to the live page to unlock your creative mojo and realize that inspiration is all around you. --------- There's a saying... read more ›
526 reads